MRB100 Tritium Monitor
MRB100 Tritium Monitor
The MRB100 Tritium Bubbler Collection Instrument provides the accurate and sensitive tritium measurements that are needed for personnel protection and environmental measurements. The MRB100 autonomously manages sample collection and flow/volume measurements and collects tritium in sample bottles for measurement in your facilities existing liquid scintillation counter (LSC/Tri-Carb).
Sample periods can be as short as an hour or up to a week. Sample period can be set to collect for a programmed amount of time or total sample volume collected. The user has full control of these automated or manual sample modes. During the sample period, the MRB100 manages the collection and integrates total volume collected and time sampled reporting in either standard or actual units. At the end of the sampling period, the sample bottles are removed for LSC measurement while a fresh set of bottles collect for the next sample period.